The day has finally arrived! Chris has finished his IT job after 17 years, and is officially coming on board with Kitchen Sanctuary! We’re both a little terrified, but extremely excited!

I’m mostly looking forward to:

Having someone to share the workload - I’ve worked until close to midnight every night this week - despite this only being my second post of the week (freelance work, cookery class review, and the dreaded tax return taking up most of my time). Working all day and then again in the evening seems to be more like the norm in recent months. Having the capacity to actually follow through on ideas for expanding and updating the blog. Taking total advantage of Chris’s brilliant management, organisation skills and commitment - this is the guy who rang up security on his last day of work for an emergency pass, because they’d removed his access a few hours early (expecting him to leave early on his last day). Not Chris - he still had work he needed to get done, and wasn’t leaving till he’d finished! Being able to do recipe video work during the day - instead of waiting for evenings and weekends. Sharing the washing up (yay! possibly the best bit!) and transporting the kids everywhere (the 9:00am and 3:30pm school runs seem to shorten my working hours by far more than the actual amount of time they take up!).

Things I’m not looking forward to:

The downside of Chris’s organisation skills and commitment - I have no doubt that Chris will be dragging me out of bed to start work at 6am so we can get the most out of our day, without having to work late into the evenings. I’m a night owl. Mornings are not my friend. I get it, and I agree with this approach, but it’ll be a different story when that alarm goes off. My difficulties in relinquishing control on anything. I like things done my way. By me. I think the only way I might learn to share, is if I get a chocolate treat each time I do well. Yes, I am a puppy at heart. Not being able to spend an hour (ok two) browsing Facebook because something I’m working on is too hard and I like being distracted by social media. He’ll probably think that’s all I do…

I’ll be sure to keep you updated on things and will introduce Chris properly later in the month, once he’s buried neck deep in bloggy stuff 🙂

So getting back to the brisket sandwich - I decided to post this today because it’s one of Chris’s favourite sandwiches. He loves anything meaty (which is going to be interesting when I start testing some of the vegan recipes I picked up at a vegan cookery class I was on yesterday!). Piles of slow cooked shredded beef brisket served with crispy, garlic-infusted sauté potatoes and creamy/crunchy coleslaw. Not forgetting the pile of melted Gruyere and the scattering of baby leaves - you know, just to make it feel a bit healthier!

The Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Sauté Potatoes and Coleslaw Recipe:

Impressive 9 Combination Sandwich Fish Sandwich Korean Steak Sandwich Beef Brisket Sandwich Roast Chicken Sandwich Crispy Fish Tacos - ok so not technically a sandwich but i am LOVING this at the moment  🙂 OK if you are bored of Sandwiches then we have got you covered too with our Picnic Ideas that Arn’t Sandwiches.

Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Saut  Potatoes and Coleslaw - 35Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Saut  Potatoes and Coleslaw - 72Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Saut  Potatoes and Coleslaw - 20Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Saut  Potatoes and Coleslaw - 75Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Saut  Potatoes and Coleslaw - 34Brisket Sandwich with Garlic Saut  Potatoes and Coleslaw - 33