To the great distress of the British marketers of the time, the locals insisted on adding way more sugar and milk than would be considered proper by English standards and, adding insult to injury, spicing it up a bit with cardamom, pepper, cinnamon. All I can say is Thank Goodness. Spicy, milky, sweet chai is one of my favorite ways to drink black tea. Here are all those wonderful chai tea spices infused in ice cream. Heat the mixture until steamy (not boiling) and hot to the touch. Lower the heat to warm, cover, and let stand for 1 hour. The minute this happens the mixture should be removed from heat immediately, and poured through the sieve over the ice bath to stop the cooking in the next step. If the custard base doesn’t coat the back of the spoon, it’s not ready. The custard base coats the back of the spoon.