I’ve gone a bit cranberry crazy at the moment. Plain loco. Off the deep end. You see, it’s 35°F outside and I have my ice cream machine running. Now before you roll your eyes at me and and simply pass me off as simply lunatic fringe, please, hear me out. I love cranberries. Adore them, in fact. I horde them come November and December because I just can’t get enough of their sweet-tart taste that just nibbles at your tongue. Cranberry sauce, tarts, bread, cookies and chutneys get turned out here like I’ll win a prize at the end (maybe more cranberries?). I always wanted to try making cranberry sorbet but let’s face it, there be no cranberries in July when the weather is hitting triple digits. Still, if you’re a bit cranberry crazy like me, you’ll be more than willing to give this a go. It met with resounding praise at Thanksgiving and was polished off shortly after the next day; as such it’s making a Christmas appearance as well. Its deep garnet color and perky flavor just ring with cheer and spirit. Paired with a snifter of good brandy or maybe some fresh blondies or gingerbread men this sorbet is best enjoyed in a cozy home wrapped in your warmest sweater. Right out of the ice cream maker the sorbet will be rather soft. If you would like it firmer, transfer the sorbet to an airtight container and put in your freezer for a couple of hours. Once frozen, you may need to let it sit for a few minutes at room temperature before serving. For variations, try adding a tablespoon of chopped fresh ginger to the cranberries, or a tablespoon or two of orange zest. Links: How to make ice cream without a machine - tips by David Lebovitz.