The thing is, I actually don’t have much of a sweet tooth. Well, let me qualify, I won’t ever turn down something sweet if it’s placed in front of me. But if I had to choose between a Mars Bar and potato chips, I’d choose chips every time. I’m a savoury gal through and through. However, peanut butter cups are another food group altogether. Is it weird for a Japanese-Australian to have an unhealthy addiction to peanut butter cups? When I travelled in the US, I was in peanut butter cup heaven. They were everywhere, in every corner store and so cheap! Well, at least, compared to Australia. Here, Reese’s are a treat. In the US, they became a staple part of my daily diet. So a few years ago I decided to try to make them myself at home. Partly for cost reasons, mainly for addiction feeding reasons because you can’t pick up peanut butter cups on a whim here in Sydney. And you know what? It was pretty simple! Ridiculously so! The hardest part was figuring out the best way to make the peanut butter filling sit in the centre, surrounded by chocolate, as opposed to having an exposed layer of peanut butter. The solution was to make the peanut butter filling “dough like” so you can roll it into balls then place it onto a base of melted chocolate. Then this needs to be refrigerated before pouring chocolate over the top, otherwise I found the weight of the chocolate pushed the peanut butter filling through the base. After the base and filling have set, you then pour more chocolate over the top to cover it. I tried multiple times to avoid the 2 step refrigeration process, but it simply didn’t work. Enough on the technicalities! Here’s the recipe. You’ll be shocked at how easy it is!

Homemade Reese s Peanut Butter Cups - 45Homemade Reese s Peanut Butter Cups - 26Homemade Reese s Peanut Butter Cups - 45