Blooming spices is a fundamental part of South Asian cookery; for example, dal tadka is a classic lentil dish that takes advantage of this process whereby lentils are cooked down into a liquid and topped with sizzling spices in oil.

Why Would You Want to Bloom Spices?

Heating spices in oil (or fat such as ghee) helps pull the fat-soluble compounds from spices to extract more flavor. Phodni, the Marathi word for tempering, translates to “something you are breaking open,” as in breaking open the spices to release flavor. As a result, it makes a spice taste more like itself. Mustard seeds, for example, taste bitter and unappealing when raw; when cooked, they mellow out to become more pleasant.

What Spices and Ingredients Can You Use?

While there are a set of classically used spices in the blooming process, you should feel free to experiment with whatever combinations you like. Think of this more as a technique than a strict set of ingredients or instructions. You can use both whole and ground spices, but the former has the added benefit of providing texture to a dish.  For whole spices, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds, cinnamon, cloves, and dried chilies are very common. In addition, many recipes will call for asafetida (hing) and chili powder, popular ground spices to use. Many cooks also add herbs, like curry leaves or bay leaves, fresh chilies, minced garlic or ginger, or even a pinch of lentils to their oil. As you can see, when we extend this process to any ingredient, even something like a mirepoix – a common French cooking technique of onion, carrots, and celery cooked in oil or butter – can fall under this category.

At What Point in the Cooking Process Do You Bloom Spices?

You can use this method at the beginning or the end of the cooking process. Done at the beginning, and the spiced oil flavors the whole dish evenly. Pour this hot oil on top of your finished dish, and it will add a pop of brightness, the same way an herb garnish might.

Do’s and Dont’s for Blooming Spices

How to Bloom Spices (Step-by-Step Instructions)

How Can I Apply This Method to My Cooking?

While many South Asian-specific recipes use this method, there are a zillion ways to apply it to all types of cooking. For example, blooming spices is always a great technique to add flavor to stir-fried vegetables. But I will also mix sizzling spices into a snack mix, top a soup, or fold into chilled yogurt. I’ve even cooled the spiced oil to use as the base of a salad dressing.