Serving sandwiches for dinner always seems a bit naughty. Eating your sandwiches at the table over a large piece of baking paper, with cheese melting out the sides, onions and peppers dropping onto the paper, and rich, beefy sauce dribbling down your chin?  Well that’s just downright ill-mannered. It is fun though… ..and so delicious! The fact that my kids are allowed to put their elbows on the table, lick their fingers and basically look like they’ve just dunked their heads in their dinner makes this a family favourite. Chris and I don’t have to dish out stern looks and comments like ‘we’ll never be able to take you out for dinner if you’re going to behave like that’. Brisket dip sandwiches = temporary manners-vacation

Cooked for 4 hours in the oven (you could also cook it in the crockpot for 6-8 hours on low if you preferred), the meat just falls apart. The cooking liquor is meaty, salty and rich and absolutely has to be served with the sandwich.  It’s a must.  No arguments please. You could also serve this with some leftover gravy from your roast beef dinner! You’ll probably (?) have some leftover meat, since this stuff is so rich and delicious.  So I though I’d put together a few suggestions for what to do with it:

Serve in burritos with rice, salsa, cheese, beans and chillies On top of a pizza with sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella Piled on top of creamy mashed potato with lots of fresh veg (you could thicken any leftover sauce with a little cornflour + water for a rich gravy) Added to marinara sauce and served with pasta Stuffed inside some homemade ravioli and served with a simple tomato sauce

or simply make another  dip sandwich with it and take it to work for a lunch that will make your co-workers jealous (the manners-vacation is not advised in this case!!)

This Slow cooked brisket dip sandwich Recipe:

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Impressive 9 Combination Sandwich Fish Sandwich Korean Steak Sandwich Beef Brisket Sandwich Roast Chicken Sandwich Ultimate BLT Crispy Fish Tacos - ok so not technically a sandwich but i am LOVING this at the moment  🙂

OK if you are bored of Sandwiches then we have got you covered too with our Picnic Ideas that Arn’t Sandwiches.

Slow cooked brisket dip sandwich - 44Slow cooked brisket dip sandwich - 2Slow cooked brisket dip sandwich - 94Slow cooked brisket dip sandwich - 28