I’ve been lovingly caring for the sourdough starter I made a month or so ago.  I mastered the art of general bread making - with a little help from Mr Hollywood - about a year ago (it was a happy day for me when my dough addicted husband declared my bread delicious.  I’d had far too many ‘hmmm it’s okaaaay’ comments!). So I thought I’d up my game and try some artisan bread. After baking a delicious looking loaf (that took around 19 hours from start to finish), I had to shamefacedly admit that I don’t like sourdough bread (blush). How disappointing! I’d had it a few times when we were on holiday in California, and I don’t think I really liked it then, but I wanted to think I was a bit of a foodie, and therefore it was the law that I liked sourdough bread.  Oh well.  As with olives, I’ll keep trying in the vain hope that I can eventually look sophisticated like the rest of you sourdough/olive eating folk. After a second failed attempt with Mr Hollywood’s almond and honey sourdough, I admitted defeat with the breads and decided to give my starter one last chance in a cake (can you call a scone a cake?) before bringing an end to it’s wasted life. And guess what? Success! Tasty, fluffy and bloomin lovely sourdough scopes with a thick smear of salty butter and a good old English brew!

The Sourdough Scones Recipe:

Sourdough Scones - 83Sourdough Scones - 91Sourdough Scones - 49Sourdough Scones - 27Sourdough Scones - 11