This is a lovely way to eat smaller onions. I learned this recipe from Italian cookbooks, where they call it onions agrodolce, but the concept of sweet-and-sour onions is pretty widespread. Basically you cook the onions part way either by roasting or boiling—we boil them here—and then finish them off in a pan with oil (or butter) something sweet (in this case honey) and something sharp, usually vinegar. You can totally play with flavors. Switch up oils and fats—walnut oil, duck fat, sesame oil, etc—and sweeteners (honey, brown sugar, agave nectar, and so on) and you will get all sorts of different results. All are good. If you are using the larger boiling onions, as we did here, just slice the stem end off the onion and peel as you would a normal onion. Serve hot or at room temperature, with a little sprinkling of a fancy salt like fleur de sel, if you have some.